The cascade stylesheets 3 (CSS3) features that came later included more advanced styling, more advanced layout methods, and more animation and transition features. As CSS technology has expanded, so developers are now able to create websites that are more and more dynamic and attractive.
CSS3 media queries, flexbox, and grid style are cornerstones of responsiveness for various screens and items. CSS3 may pave the way for websites to recreate themselves for perfect user experience on all platforms.
To create manageable and efficient CSS3 codes along with minimal complexity, web developers may function by minimizing complex selectors, files of CSS, and number of HTTP queries and use SASS or LESS. Loading speed will be increased with the use of image optimization and browser caching.
Although CSS3 has many possibilities, cross-browser compatibility maximizes them. Developers handle limited browser support with feature detection and vendor prefixes (webkit, moz, ms, o). Cross-browser and version testing requires early website display issue detection and resolution.